Tips to Create a Fun Photo Scavenger hunt for Kids

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Written By RobertMaxfield

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Photo scavengers are a fun way for kids to have some entertainment and keep them busy. You can choose to hunt in your yard, at a park nearby, or anywhere else you feel safe. This is a great way to connect with your tech-savvy children while also tapping into their interests. There are fun games and treasure hunts for kids, as well as quizzes and murder mystery games suitable for adults of all ages and specially-designed products for seasonal celebrations like halloween scavenger hunt, Christmas, Easter or Summer. On the Grapevine’s website, visitors will find pre-made items for celebrations and other events. There is everything you require, from murder mysteries to pub quizzes and amazing themed treasure hunts that are perfect for children.

How to prepare the photo scavenger hunt

Pick the hunting location. Consider the weather and ages of your hunt participants, as well as whether there will be more than one team. While younger children might be more comfortable in their own backyards, older kids may prefer to roam the streets. Be sure to adapt your clues to the location.

You can make a list of things you want to photograph. To make it more difficult, you can use creative riddles. For young children, keep the list brief and easy. Large items should be easy to photograph. Be specific about what details you want to photograph.

  • Older children may need more challenge.
  • If necessary, set a time limit.

How to conduct a photo scavenger hunt

If the competition is for kids, you can break them into teams according to age, skill, or size. A balanced mix of ages and skills works best. For a collaborative search, have the children plan how they will share their camera.

Give the clues and describe the rules, including physical limits and time limits.

Have fun

Once the time limit has expired or all clues have been found, a judge will decide if each photo matches the clue.

If the competition is a draw, add up the results and announce who the winner is.

Tips for Successful Scavenger Hunts for Kids

Mixed teams may want to assign clues to older and younger children so that everyone has fun.

Safety should be your number one priority. By adding an adult or responsible teenager as a member of each team, you can make the scavenger hunt more extensive and allow them to roam free.

When you are in an area that has a lot of trees or brush, ensure your children have long pants. They should also be able to identify poison ivy and sumac plants.

Beyond the Scavenger Hunt

The scavenger hunt may be over but the fun doesn’t stop there!

Help your children learn how to take pictures if you have kids who are interested in photography. You can download scavenger hunt photos to your computer. Make a collage, or design your own tee-shirt.