Getting a Job/Moving Careers

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Written By RobertMaxfield

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If you search Google, you will probably find several articles on ‘having a fulfilling career’ or ‘a satisfying career’. These words are very commonly used, but one needs to understand the very definition of ‘fulfilment’ or ‘satisfaction’ in one’s professional life. The question you would then ask yourself is, whether this is really your expectation of a successful career. Does it give you the fulfilment you were looking for? Could it have been different, still? For many people, after having been through the past so many years in their current career, they wonder if they are indeed getting the inner fulfilment or inner success that they really wanted.

Consider the following questions:

  1. Do you love and enjoy doing what you do at work?
  2. What are those 3 things that you like most about your current job or career?
  3. What are those 3 things that you dislike the most? What could have been different?
  4. If there was one thing that you would like to change in your career, what would that be?
  5. Do you feel there is something better for you out there?
  6. Assuming you had all the skills and the right beliefs to make changes in your career, then what would your career look like?
  7. Are you in a situation where you want to make a career shift, but do not know what to do?
  8. If yes, then what is holding you back from making that shift?
  9. Have you set any short-term and long-term goals for yourself that you wanted to achieve, and by when? If yes, are you facing any challenges?
See also  How to Find A Right Career Path

These are some powerful questions that you might ask yourself, and you would have noticed that the focus of these questions was more on the inner-self, i.e. what do ‘you’ really want. Could this make your career more enjoyable, rewarding, and fulfilling?

If you said “yes”, then a Career and Performance Coach can help you. Read on to find out how…

So, who is a Career and Performance Coach?

There are people who have their jobs but certainly not the dream careers they desired, and wish to transition, while some people are in the process of getting into the right career of their choice. Then, there are others who are doing well in their present careers but want to raise their level of performance. Often, people face roadblocks as they move forward, and there could be psychological, behavioral, or emotional issues that come in the way of their progress. This is where a Career and Performance Coach could help you. A certified Coach supports you in making informed decision about you career development and trajectory. Through an interactive process of inquiry and dialog, the Coach provides you with a deeper insight into yourself, delving into your thoughts and beliefs, understands your motivational triggers, and helps you discover your true potential. The outcome is to make you realise what you really want to do, chart out a clear roadmap, identify and eliminate the limiting beliefs that come in the way of your progress, and guide you towards achieving your goal.